
Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Timeless Lessons of Government Monopolies vs. Free Market Competition

Notable & Quotable is subtitled 'Government failure is a greater threat than market failure. 

It succinctly and accurately tells the truthful and often painful story of the results achieved by mandated government control compared to allowing vigorous free market competition.

"From Matt Ridley ’s book “The Rational Optimist” (2011):

Economists are quick to speak of ‘market failure’, and rightly so, but a greater threat comes from ‘government failure’. Because it is a monopoly, government brings inefficiency and stagnation to most things it runs; government agencies pursue the inflation of their budgets rather than the service of their customers; pressure groups form an unholy alliance with agencies to extract more money from taxpayers for their members. Yet despite all this, most clever people still call for government to run more things and assume that if it did so, it would somehow be more perfect, more selfless, next time."

Summing Up

When will we ever learn to get the elitist experts our of the way and let us ordinary minions run the show?

Soon I hope.

Because it's our future, our kids and our country that's at stake.

And that's a big deal.  A very big deal.

Thanks. Bob.

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