
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Do You Know What's Happening in the World Today? ... A Current Events Quiz

How much do you know about what's happening currently in America as well as in important events throughout the world?

Well, there's a timely and interesting 12-question quiz which will provide you with the answers.

Since this is a self administered exam, there's no need for alarm. You won't be graded by anyone other than yourself.

That said, I expect all takers to score a perfect 100. The pressure's on!

Insular Americans? More know about ISIS than the unemployment rate contains both the summary of results as well as the 12-question multiple choice quiz:
"Foreigners like to knock Americans for not knowing much about life beyond the U.S.’s borders. But the fact is that Americans may well know more about foreign affairs than the economy.

That’s according to the latest Pew Research Center survey, which polled some 1,002 adults. First — no looking — take the quiz here.

{NOTE: Stop reading until you've completed the exam. No cheating please!}


Of course, your correspondent aced the quiz, but the 12-question multiple choice exam isn’t a cinch.

Some 67% can identify Syria as one of the countries in which the militant group known as ISIS currently controls territory.

But only a third knew the unemployment rate was about 6%. Even fewer, 24%, knew Janet Yellen was the chairwoman of the Federal Reserve. By contrast, 38% knew Benjamin Netanyahu was the prime minister of Israel.

A dismal 20% knew that Social Security was the activity the U.S. government spent the most on, which is the same percentage that knew how much of the U.S. population lives at or below the poverty line.

The one thing most Americans did know? The federal minimum wage. Nearly three-quarters correctly answered that the minimum is $7.25 an hour."

Summing Up

Congratulations, fellow test takers.

At least you took the test.

And you now better realize how much you know about what's happening in America and around the world today.

Let your conscience be your guide.

Thanks. Bob.

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