
Thursday, June 6, 2013

D-Day and Gettysburg ... Both are all about freedom and AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM

Today is June 6, 2013. It's also the 69th anniversary of D-Day.

In 1944 on this very day the allied invasion of Normandy, led by U.S. forces, began the liberation of Europe. It was the beginning of the end for Hitler and his dictatorship.


On July 1-3, 1863 the Battle of Gettysburg was fought. Later on November 19, 1863, Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg address.

Therein he proclaimed that men had died at Gettysburg so that the experimental, unique and EXCEPTIONAL American form of government "of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."


There you have it.


We liberated Europe and preserved the Union while freeing the slaves in these two historic American wars.

Summing Up

I wonder if the "progressives" today would support D-Day, and I also wonder if the "conservatives" would endorse fighting a civil war to preserve the Union and free the people.

We have too much government doing too much and too few of We the People fighting the good fight to preserve our individual freedoms and our legacy of American Exceptionalism.

Security is not opportunity. Equal opportunity does not yield equal results.

It's the simple difference between individual freedoms and powerful elitist government knows best.

Because we're still a government "of the people, by the people, for the people," the choice is ours as to whether or not this AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM will stay or go.

The Europeans voted for Socialism. The Russians didn't get to vote.

That's what makes us different and unique. EXCEPTIONAL, in fact.

That's my take.

Thanks. Bob.

1 comment:

  1. President Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is inspiring to all Americans and will continue to be for all generations. The words were not only inspiring, they also revealed to all a true Patriot's heart and soul no?


    Obama's words were "revealing" as well concerning ten thousand other young Americans who also gave "their last full measure of devotion" and who have been resting in Normandy graves, so far far away from home, since that bloody D(eath)-Day 69 years ago no?

    (Cue the crickets here please...)

    Sometimes, words NOT spoken reveal mucho too no?
    Si Si...
