
Monday, December 10, 2012

Obama Says No to Freedom for Michigan Workers

Michigan is going to be a right-to-work state soon.

That means individual employees will have the right to join or not join, and pay or not pay, dues to the union that has organized their workplace.

As a staunch partisan Democrat and staunch ally of the labor unions as well, President Obama opposes such employee freedom to choose.

Here's what he said about the matter today as related in Obama opposes Michigan right-to-work proposal:

"President Barack Obama said Monday he opposes a Republican-led plan in the Michigan Legislature to pass a "right-to-work" law.

Speaking to workers at an engine manufacturer outside of Detroit, Obama said the state government should not "be trying to take away your rights to bargain for better wages." The proposal, which could get final passage as early as Tuesday, would stop requiring non-union workers to financially support unions at their workplace. Democrats say the measure is designed to weaken unions.

In his remarks, Obama again said he would not compromise away higher tax rates for the wealthiest Americans in his fiscal cliff negotiations with House Republicans. Obama said the deficit reduction plan also needed to include some spending to make the middle-class strong, including on education and infrastructure."

Summing Up

And that's just one more example of why politics sucks.

Thanks. Bob.

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