
Friday, November 16, 2012

So Far, So Good on Fiscal Cliff Discussion

To have a good week, it's always a great first step to have a good Monday.

Similarly, to have any hopes for an undefeated season, a team always has to win its first game.

So with that in mind, let's trun to the fiscal cliff discussions which began today at the White House.

To the surprise of many, bipartisanship appears to have broken out for now in Washington, at least for now.

And that's a good sign. While they're nowhere near a conclusion, they've had a great beginning to the talks with both sides emerging from the meeting sounding conciliatory.

Leaders call fiscal-cliff talks 'constructive' has the report:

"WASHINGTON  -- Congressional leaders emerging from a White House meeting to avert the fiscal cliff labeled the discussions "constructive." 

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said they should have a goal to avert the cliff by Christmas, while Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner both said Republicans were willing to put revenue on the table to reach a deal."

Summing Up

So far, so good. 

Maybe our politicians will finally begin to act like adults and make a concerted effort to do the people's work this time.

That would be great.

Thanks. Bob.

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