But despite his non-decision on the merits, it ain't over 'til it's over. Politically he's in a box and my guess is he'll say yes before this is all over. We'll see.
If approved, the Keystone XL pipeline project would create 20,000 well paying new jobs for U.S. workers. The American public supports the project.
All President Obama has to do is say yes, but he has a problem with a part of his Democratic political base. Union officials and blue collar workers want him to say yes, but the "green" lobby wants him to say no.
Now two representatives of the companies who would perform the work have weighed in with facts. So has the author of the bill requiring the President to act within 60 days, Senator Richard Lugar, Republican of Indiana.
Both companies and the Senator have written straightforward letters strongly supporting approval of the pipeline project. In addition to creating 20,000 jobs, it would strengthen our North American U. S. energy supply as well. What's not to like?
Job Creation and our Choices contains both the initial Times editorial and the various letters responding thereto. Here are what the pipeline company officials and Senator Lugar have to say in support of the pipeline project:
"To the Editor:
TransCanada has been constructing and operating natural gas and oil pipelines for more than 60 years. We know what it takes to build multimillion-dollar pieces of infrastructure — the amount of equipment, the materials and the number of workers.
The $7 billion Keystone XL pipeline is the largest infrastructure project planned in the United States right now. It will create 20,000 jobs: 13,000 in construction, 7,000 in manufacturing.
Construction of the 1,600-mile pipeline is broken down into 17 pipeline spreads, or sections, with 500 workers per spread — that’s 8,500 workers.
Keystone XL also needs 30 pump stations, each requiring 100 workers — that’s 3,000 jobs. Add in another 600 jobs that will be needed for the six construction camps and tank construction at Cushing, Okla.
A project of such magnitude needs construction and management and inspection oversight — the 1,000 workers here brings the overall Keystone XL total to more than 13,000 direct, on-site jobs. These are new, real American jobs — not person-hours; there is no double counting here.
The $6 billion Keystone pipeline that has safely delivered more than 160 million barrels of oil to the Midwest since the summer of 2010 created 9,000 construction jobs. This is a reality that our opponents cannot ignore.
The Keystone XL project is also expected to create 7,000 manufacturing jobs involving companies like Welspun, Cameron, Siemens and dozens of others. Based on all of this practical, factual data, the employment benefits of Keystone XL are very clear.
Calgary, Alberta, Jan. 3, 2012
Mr. Jones is vice president of Keystone Pipeline System. Mr. Millar is manager of corporate communications and media relations for TransCanada.
To the Editor:
You say in your editorial that President Obama should reject construction of the Keystone XL pipeline because “this is precisely the moment for him to argue the case for alternative fuel sources and clean energy jobs.” Such an argument is a false choice.
Opportunities for more efficient buildings and wind and nuclear energy address electricity needs, not transportation needs that depend on oil. Thus, they will have virtually no effect on our dangerous foreign oil addiction.
I am lead author of the bipartisan language requiring President Obama to act on Keystone XL in 60 days. Your editorial is wrong in asserting that there is not enough time for a decision. The three-year environmental impact analysis has been completed, and strong environmental requirements are built into the legislation.
The Times is correct that “American voters are smart enough to see through the ridiculous pipeline gambit.” A recent Rasmussen poll indicated that voters favored the pipeline by 53 percent to 29 percent, with only 17 percent undecided, showing a strong understanding of the issues involved.
Washington, Jan. 4, 2012
The writer is a Republican senator from Indiana."
Things are getting interesting. The pressure's on.
We'll stay tuned.
Thanks. Bob.
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