"Keynes didn’t expect that his findings would lead to an infringement of personal liberty. Instead, . . . Keynes believed “that a prosperous society in which everyone is employed was the surest way of maintaining the independence of thought and action he considered the guarantor of true democracy.”

So today we are left with high unemployment, huge deficits, growing government debt and a stalled economy. And a gloomy group of Americans concerned about the next generation's economic future. In my view, if we don't begin to seriously shrink the size of government and focus intensely on private sector growth, our nation's future well being is in jeopardy.

All that said, I also believe that most American citizens intuitively understand that the private sector is the economy's true growth engine, and that excessive government intervention will harm our nation's future growth, stability and security.

Simply stated, America's private sector performance in the face of global market competition will continue to represent our nation's only true source of competitive advantage in the world economy.

We must always keep in mind the important fact that economic progress is all about competition, innovation, entrepreneurialism, risk taking, hard work and free markets.

If as a nation we ever lose sight of how we became what we are and what's vitally important to our freedom and democracy, we'll begin to resemble everybody else, and then even our national security will be at risk.

It's really that serious.

Thanks. Bob.