
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Oil and Gas vs. Wind and Solar

Our national energy policy has reached the point of ridiculousness.

If current policies were reversed, unemployment, government debt and deficits, energy costs and national security would all improve quickly. It's as simple as 1-2-3-4.

(1) With respect to job creation, oil and gas are far superior to wind and solar.
(2) Regarding government debt and deficits, the private sector and free markets are far superior to the public sector and government picked winners and losers.
(3) Looking at pricing and inflation, energy costs for consumers and businesses would decline substantially as the world's supply of energy increased.
(4) In terms of our nation's security, energy independence would be much enhanced by moving quickly and aggressively in the direction of a greater domestic oil and gas supply.

As a result of his ill considered policies, President Obama inadvertently and unintentionally has made a strong case for American job creation, stronger finances, energy independence and national security. His ridiculous energy policies are the only thing standing in our way.

Accordingly, we can have more jobs, less debt, lower prices and greater security simply by reversing the current administration's energy policies. It really is that simple.

Instead the government plays political games and loans money to solar companies like Solyndra and watches them go broke. At the same time, it makes it virtually impossible for and gas companies to drill for much needed oil and gas in America. And it does all this while we continue to import lots of high priced oil from Russia, Venezuela, Iran and other unfriendly countries.

So right here in the good old U.S.A. we could create jobs, reduce dependence on foreign oil and lower prices at the same time. Even though they would never admit it, President Obama and his cronies must be getting concerned about the anti-American prosperity corner into which they have painted themselves. For the rest of us Americans who merely want the right thing to be done, we have pretty much arrived at the same conclusion--this is crazy.

The administration's energy policies are absolutely harmful to employment, inflation and national security, all at the same time. Obama has achieved a trifecta and a harmful one at that. Doing the right thing would be a no brainer, and therefore it will be sometime soon. At least that's my bet.

Thus, since I believe that things which make sense eventually get done, it's easy to be more optimistic about our energy future. All we need now is some graceful way for the president to reverse course. Let's hope he finds one soon.

The CEO of ConocoPhillips makes a strong argument for job growth, greater energy independence and national security in Natural Gas Can Put Americans Back to Work.

Here's what the CEO says about the oil and natural gas industry's ability to create another 1.5 million jobs and $800 billion in tax receipts with no government help. All the government has to do is get out of the industry's way:

"A consulting firm, Wood Mackenzie, recently predicted that the oil and natural gas industry would create a half-million new U.S. jobs by 2030 under existing government policy. But with more favorable policies, 1.5 million new jobs could be created and tax revenues would rise by $800 billion. To make this possible, several steps are needed.

First, governments must stop singling out the oil and natural gas industry for tax increases. Its effective global tax rates already far exceed those of other industries.

Second, when considering new natural gas regulations, government should first assess the adequacy and enforcement of the thousands of existing federal, state and local regulations that already govern production. Duplicative or conflicting requirements add little protection but needlessly increase costs and further stifle the economy.

Third, government must open new areas to exploration, while ensuring sound environmental stewardship.

Finally, although all energy sources are needed, government mandates that force electric utilities to use renewable energy sources such as wind and solar are mistaken. Such sources are generally uncompetitive, requiring subsidies that increase costs to consumers. Further, by crowding out cleaner-burning natural gas, the mandates may not achieve significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Rather than favoring particular technologies, governments should focus exclusively on setting environmental objectives and allow markets to innovate and select the most environmentally and economically effective sources based on their merits."

Let's all hope the current president and his administration soon stop ignoring reality. If and when they do, they will encourage American private sector job creation and unleash the forces within the oil and natural gas industry, thereby putting our nation firmly on the path to renewed prosperity and energy independence.

And if they don't choose to get government out of the way and allow all this good stuff to happen sometime soon, the next administration will.

Thanks. Bob.

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